Sunday, January 15, 2012

Long weekend..

Its been a while since I posted last, I hope that I can keep up with posting I should really try and get more used to it because it seems to help a little with letting things out.. even if people don't read it does help!
So this is a long weekend for me, Martin Luther King day is Monday so we observe that at work so I am off Monday! YAY!
On another brighter note, I think that Brian and I have decided that I am going to go back to school :) I stopped going when we got married because we needed the money more right then and we decided I would just wait a little while, and now its been 3 years almost so I think its about time :) I will be going back for Middle School Math and Science! I am so ready I think the only other time I have been this excited was the day I got married! I am so ready to be done and BE a teacher not just WANT, but to be one! I will be SO proud of myself and excited!!
So I know this is probably old BUT a while back I downloaded Pandora on my phone and I truly think I am in LOVE!!! If you have not tried it or have been thinking about it, its a GREAT little thing if you love music like myself :) I am really enjoying it.
Also I am waiting on some items to come in from Hobby Lobby that I ordered to make a wreath with I am super excited to make that! As soon as I make it I will have to put it on here! Show of my handy work :)
Anyway well I suppose that enough boredom for the night! I hope yall have a wonderful weekend and God bless!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Life goes on....

So this week has not been one of my favorite weeks by any means... I have been having some issues at work and don't know what the outcome of that might be. It is causing me to stress a lot and that's something I don't really need to do. Then I have started to realize that my medicine that I have to take for my seizures is causing me to lose my hair :/ I know there are worse things and I am really trying to look at the bright side of things but its kind of hard. I think I am hitting that valley before the mountain again and it seems like its going to be a pretty big one.
On a brighter note I did get all my Christmas stuff put up today, my living room looks so empty now. I REALLY love Christmas.. everyone seems so happy and grateful around that time of year. And I really enjoy giving people presents... LOL! Brian and I both cleaned out our drawers and my closet today to give some clothes to one of the girls at church that is needing them, and Brian looked at me and said "what are we going to do with alllll these hangers" LOL I told him I could fix that problem and find some new clothes for them.. :) he really didn't approve of that idea! Weekends seem to go by so quick.. the day is already over and then its Sunday.. that's usually our rest day, besides church. Hope all of you have had a wonderful Saturday and enjoy your weekend God Bless!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Long Day

Today was my first day back since December 23rd and I did not want to go back at all!! It was so crazy I work at a bank and work at the main drive thru... not my dream job but it does pay the bills for now! Within 2 hours of being there today I already got a tension headache LOL!!! Gotta love it! Hopefully by this time next year I will be going back to college, I really want to be a teacher! I cant hardly wait for that! And with Brian working at the college I get a 75% discount! So now I am just waiting to get a few things in order and pay off some of my student loans from going when I grad high school! :/ JOY!
Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. Here in town this morning there was a local man shot apparently it was a repo gone bad. The victim owned a pre-owned car lot and he had to repo a car yesterday and the young man was not happy! Needless to say this morning he came in and shot him, so sad!! I pray God graces them with comfort and peace at this time. You never know whats going through peoples mind these days, you know I told Brian who I feel the most sorry for other then the victims family are the suspects children, waking up everyday knowing that their Dad murdered someone.. so sad.
So some of our friends that we have had problems ttc and decided to go through DHS to adopt a child and they adopted a little boy Cooper it was final in 2010 sometime and in Febuary they will be having a child how WONDERFUL its a boy and his name will be Campbell! I can hardly wait till the little blessing arrives!!
Well hopefully soon I will have some follows and more people reading my blog... until next time God bless!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Last Day

So today is the last day of my vacation, they never seem to be long enough!! But I have enjoyed it and I am NOT ready to go back to work tomorrow! My best friend and I did go shopping today and I bought a new Christmas tree for next year. It was regular 250.00 and I got it for 75.00 I was SUPER proud of myself! And I do have to say the Christmas tree is Rather beautiful!!
So the best part of it was trying to get this huge box in the car... my friend and I completely forgot that we had to get this thing home... anyway that was a fun time rather HILARIOUS actually and the bad part about it was like 5 guys walked by and not one of them bothered to help.. but we didn't need them anyway we got it done all by ourselves! We then decided we were hungry and went threw the Chik-fila drive thru... well that was another experience I had to get the cup holders down for my friends two little girls and the box we had up front we had to like slide it around and it was literary almost sticking out the window... I was very funny!! I laughed really hard the guy at the drive thru just looked at us and laughed! Anyway I did get my tree home though! :) Now we get to get rid of out other ugly tree... :/ I hope everyone had a fabulous Monday and a Great Tuesday! And if you come across my blog please let others know I am new and would like some followers... I would like some others woman who have had some trouble ttc to talk to! :) God Bless

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The 411

Okay so I am 24 years old and will be married 3 wonderful, stressful, and blessed years September 19 to this wonderful man God blessed me with that I am lucky to call my husband. After being married for about 3 months the husband and I decided we wanted a little one. SO the journey begins here. January 2010 we started trying for a little one with no success, we werent really trying HARD as far as the documenting and calender planning and all of the fun stuff goes, BUT needless to say we WERE trying with no success. So we had decided well in Gods timing it will happen and I still KNOW that's the case. But we had talked and keep trying and still with no success come the end of 2011we decided that come January 2012 that once we got insurance with my job  that we would go to the Dr and talk about what we needed to do to start REALLY trying ... other than the obvious. Brian was and has been working part time for the local community college here as their computer tech. and we kept thinking anytime he would be full time and then we thought well we cant stop out life because they wont hire him full time. Well September 13 rolls around and I end up waking up in the ER and looking at my husband and everyone around me wondering what in the world is going on and WHY in the world am I here. Turns out I had a grand-male seizure and Brian(my husband) had rushed me to the ER it happened about 530 in the morning and I didn't come to till around 8 that morning. I have had seizure before but NEVER that large and they were when I was younger and I have been off medicine for 6 years before that happened. Now I am back on my medicine and having to take it the same as I did when I was younger. And remember still no insurance so now we are thinking what in the world are we going to do now there is NO way we can afford a bill like this and our first aid station we have for a hospital here is sky high in ER visits so then we were stuck with this and it felt like it just kept piling up like oh my goodness while we ever see daylight. And THANK God my husband is SO absolutely wonderful I don't know where I would be now if it hadn't been for him. He has been such a blessing for the good lord through out this whole situation. But shortly after that Brian got on full time at the college and things were starting to look so great! Now the problem is the medicine I take can cause severe birth defects. And now I am stuck with the decision of do I still try to have a child or do I wait until I am off this medicine. So I talk to my neurologist and he informs me that he has had SEVERAL patients take it and they have NO problems but that I will just have to be monitored more but the thought of causing a child a birth defect that could have been prevented bothers me. Not that I wouldn't have the same love and care for a child of that nature but I would feel guilty for the rest of my life that, well this is my fault and it could have been prevented if mommy would have just been more patient. So this is where we are now I don't go back to my neurologist until Oct 2012 but I am sure he would see me if I had questions. Anyway if anyone reading this blog has any imput or advice please dont feel like you would offend me! Have a great night and God Bless! :)